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Sunday 2 June 2024

China Station campaign coming to an end...


So, two games played this past weekend, a 3 player game and a 2 player gun. The 3 player game was quite the dust up, plenty of gun and teeth action. Lucky the dog turned out to be well named, well, not in the sense of avoiding combat, but certainly lucky to have made a lot of health and recovery rolls.

The other game featured a duo team vs three stalwart adventurers. The scenario was borrowed from the Vice Alley campaign. While this game started after the other game it ended earlier as both small leagues wound up being far enough away from each other that there was no need to play the last couple of turns.

So, we are down to the last few games of the campaign, more or less. The Chapter 12 scenario has been set up and is ready to go, but I feel that I will add at least one more scenario to the mix. This may be one of the earlier China Station scenarios, a scenario from another campaign or just a newly created scenario. At any rate we will hopefully see the conclusion of this campaign sometime in June.

Mountie using a plot point as cover!





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