Never wanted to be a member of a club that would have me as a member! This is an informal alliance of gamers with no fixed address to play their games.
One blog to rule them all, One blog to find them,
One blog to bring them all, and on the internet
bind them.
One blog to bring them all, and on the internet
bind them.
Follow the links below to our members Blogs to see what activities they are up to, both for the club and for their own interests.
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
All is revealed!
What could have been if it had been an Undead Nation instead of a Dark Elves nation.
The lizards certainly had an interesting home realm.
Where two things are listed the first is a temporary thing, the second is that which would have replaced it after the first was done. For instance the Norse will sail away, so I was allowing a followup search once they left.
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Monday, 20 April 2020
The Grand Reveal!
So, here it is, most every hex has been revealed, only a scant few to go!
Many barren hexes yet to be explored, and some that have refused to give up their secret.
Fairly even distribution of hexes and resources.
Players should double check, their domains, as some changes occurred after their last turn because of the actions of rival nations.
So next up some spell casting, followed by winter events...
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Blank players map with small numbers
This is the style of map that I am using to keep track of movement orders, and what is in each hex.
In this case all I have placed are the capitals as everything else is more prone to changes...
Feel free to print it and use pins to track everything. Pehaps you can download it into a paint program and add symbols.
Once the game officially starts I will post updated maps showing what has happened.
Thursday, 2 April 2020
Battle maps?
Above is a colourized version of Age of Reason maps. The idea is a percentage die roll will indicate which map you use. The die result is the centre of the table/map.
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
M/E Gazetteer/Glossary/rules addendum U/D 04/18
rules addendum
All added/amended
rules are highlighted in the new consolidated rule book by a skull
and crossbones symbol.
Any of the items
listed below refer to the added/amended rules, so look for the
Rules not in use
some rules to be added:
pg 12 ignore Capital placement
pg 15 ignore Chart for special/rare units
pg 15 Ignore chart for characters tied to settlements at set up but use in recruitment.
pg 15 Ignore Magic purchasing & reference to special characters
- pg 22 ignore
dogs o war 53 ignore forced landing rules
pg 57 ignore under raise dead “Undead players may...”
pg 57 ignore under summon host “this result may be taken as ...”
pg 58 Ignore “may be special characters”
add Call of heroes spell allows level 5 and 10 characters to be recruited -
pg 64 Ignore results chart, it is replaced by chart on page 65
pg 66 Ignore “are not obliged to purchase any of the compulsory...”
pg 67 Ignore entire page, there will be experience just not like this
pg 68 Ignore troop experience
pg 68 ignore dogs of war reference
pg 70 Add under Ships and naval academies treat cities on river tile beside a delta tile as
coastal -
pg 70 Ignore ship of the line rules
pg 70 Ignore entire section on marines
pg 71 Ignore entire section on roads
pg 76 Ignore under Deployment the added text about marines/forced landings
pg 77 Add limit of 15/16 espionage counters per empire 3 agents, 3 assassins, 3 saboteurs,6 spys. Some races/nations gain an extra assassin hence 16.
pg 88 to 96 Ignore reference to experienced character traits
pg 93 Add to Slann/lizard may make a route roll -1 to cross swamp
pg 95 Add Empire gain +1 on siege attacks, Bretonnians gain -1 when defending in siege
Glossary of Terms
Attributes Attack/defence
modifiers to certain actions
A 3000 point force
more of a paper strength formation rather than a field force.
Banner A
force of 500/1000/1500 points containing 1 to 5 units
Champion A
hero attached to a unit
Character A
hero/Leader/mage figure
Commander In
charge of a banner
The lands, including
a nations realm, that are controlled by that nation.
Force One
or more banners occupying the same hex.
march Orcs
a force that has moved, and not been in a conflict, to move
again. Must have enough baggage or be able to subsist in current hex.
for losses on forced march chart.
Must roll on scouting chart and must move into
hex if it successfully scouted.
banner A
banner that is unable to move, typically because it has no commander
General Senior
leader, in charge of an army (3000 points)
orders Pre-plotted
orders issued to a banner.
Hero Level
5/10/15 character, a unit champion, can be a leader of a 500 point
Leader Level
20/25 character commander of a banner
Mage Level
5/10/15/20/25 independent characters, can sometimes be a leader
Quirks Minor
random qualities of characters.
Realm Consists
of the capital hex and the six surrounding hexes
Reorganize When
more than one banner is in the same hex, they
can transfer troops but must conform to the 500/1000/1500 point
restriction and must be of
the same army.
by Hex
tiles 2/19/34/46/48/56/57/59/66/69/84/103
have restrictions on movement. You cannot cross the water even on
the river mouth edge.
To cross the water you will require a ship. You may leave via any
land route.
10 Bridge
13 Capital City
16 Sand bars
Hazardous See chart below
20 Capital City
23 Dragon
Mountain See
chart below
32 Coastal
The island is not in play
34 Coastal This city does not have a bridge
34 Coastal This city does not have a bridge
36 Swamp
impassable save by Lizard banner
37 Bridge
40 Volcano
Counts as highland tile. Will erupt on a D6 roll of 1 in winter event
phase. Any
settlement & banner are destroyed. Will spread to D6 adjacent tiles. Anything in the lava’s
path is destroyed
settlement & banner are destroyed. Will spread to D6 adjacent tiles. Anything in the lava’s
path is destroyed
42 Volcano
Counts as highland tile. Will erupt on a D6 roll of 1 in winter event
phase. Any
settlement & banner are destroyed. Will spread to D6 adjacent tiles. Anything in the lava’s
path is destroyed
settlement & banner are destroyed. Will spread to D6 adjacent tiles. Anything in the lava’s
path is destroyed
44 Capital City
46 Strait Steep cliffs, requires route roll -1. You cannot
move from 46 to 32 without a ship.
55 Rocky
coast Counts as highland tile. Ships cannot land here
57 Strait
Steep cliffs, requires route
roll -1
58 Strait
and Bridge Bridge cannot
be destroyed.
60 River Delta
Increased cost to build here. Any settlement here gains +D3 gold
in revenue phase
Costs 7 gold to convert village to a Fortress, 12 if barren, No city may be built here
Costs 7 gold to convert village to a Fortress, 12 if barren, No city may be built here
64 Capital City
Plateau -1 strategic modifier for any battle fought here
68 Island counts
as coastal when scouted. Requires boat to reach -2 strategic
modifier for any battles
taking place here
taking place here
71 Swamp
impassable save by Lizard banner
74 Bridge
75 Lake
Boats/rafts required to cross.
Will take one turn to construct
79 Island/Coastal when scouted. Requires boat to reach -2 strategic
modifier for any battles taking
place here
place here
80 Deep waters
roll on Ocean Weather chart
82 Dragon
mountain See chart below
87 Volcano
Counts as highland tile. Will erupt on a D6 roll of 1 in winter event
Any settlement &
banner are destroyed. Will spread to D6 adjacent tiles. Anything
in the
lava’s path is destroyed
lava’s path is destroyed
90 Chasm
Cannot be bridged or crossed.
Earthquake on a D6 roll of 1 in winter event phase.
Any settlement & banner are destroyed. Roll D6 for each adjacent tile. 1-3 as per above.
4+ no effect.
Any settlement & banner are destroyed. Roll D6 for each adjacent tile. 1-3 as per above.
4+ no effect.
99 Capitol city
106 Capitol city
111 Rocky
promontory Hazardous See chart
113 Coastal
The island is not in play
117 Coastal The
island is not in play
Saturday, 28 March 2020
Friday, 27 March 2020
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Now we are six
So we have our 6 players, and our 118 hex map.
I need to do some adjustments (I have some 'new' tiles to mix in) and I will set up the locations of the capitals and post a picture soon.
Rules will also be sent out.
Players should ponder what .fantasy. nation they want to play. The choices will be loosely based on the Warhammer 3rd edition armies book, which includes listings for the traditional fantasy armies. If you are keen to try something different email me and we can look at fleshing out something that will fits the system.
A reminder, since we will not actually field any lead figures we can just build off the lists without any concern about having the appropriate figures.
I need to do some adjustments (I have some 'new' tiles to mix in) and I will set up the locations of the capitals and post a picture soon.
Rules will also be sent out.
Players should ponder what .fantasy. nation they want to play. The choices will be loosely based on the Warhammer 3rd edition armies book, which includes listings for the traditional fantasy armies. If you are keen to try something different email me and we can look at fleshing out something that will fits the system.
Important, do not post or otherwise reveal your choice to anyone but me, I am trying to have a blind element to this game to avoid any preconceived/preexisting ideas about the players. This way all you will know is that the enemy is, say, Orcs, not that Frank controls them. Also it means that you may not realize which nation is actually an NPC nation, if one exists.
A reminder, since we will not actually field any lead figures we can just build off the lists without any concern about having the appropriate figures.
and so we take another step
The map is being built today.
So far there are three players signed up.
Once the map is built, and the rules sent out nations can be selected.
more updates to follow
So far there are three players signed up.
Once the map is built, and the rules sent out nations can be selected.
more updates to follow
Saturday, 21 March 2020
Delays in getting this going, but this too shall pass...ouch
Sorry for the tease about a campaign, my recent bout of health issues have slowed me down a bit.
I thought I was done with passing, but based on today's events I may not be out of the woods yet, and I really do not know why. At any rate hopefully I will have a better understanding after a doctors appointment on Monday.
On to the game.
I now have two ideas for a campaign, the original fantasy campaign, vs or also, a space campaign.
The space campaign might be easier to run, but it would certainly be a very combat oriented campaign.
For the fantasy game, I will set up a Mighty Empire game. I would use the original booklet that came with the game, and any and all White Dwarf supplements that I have, which should be all of them.
I can supply a copy of these rules to those who do not have the rules.
Armies will be based on the old 3rd ed Warhammer Fantasy Battle system. Again, I can supply a copy to those who require a copy.
Battles will be resolved with a somewhat abstract resolution system.
I have three choices:
I thought I was done with passing, but based on today's events I may not be out of the woods yet, and I really do not know why. At any rate hopefully I will have a better understanding after a doctors appointment on Monday.
On to the game.
I now have two ideas for a campaign, the original fantasy campaign, vs or also, a space campaign.
The space campaign might be easier to run, but it would certainly be a very combat oriented campaign.
For the fantasy game, I will set up a Mighty Empire game. I would use the original booklet that came with the game, and any and all White Dwarf supplements that I have, which should be all of them.
I can supply a copy of these rules to those who do not have the rules.
Armies will be based on the old 3rd ed Warhammer Fantasy Battle system. Again, I can supply a copy to those who require a copy.
Battles will be resolved with a somewhat abstract resolution system.
I have three choices:
- The system presented in Mighty Empires, modified somewhat by an old C&S strategic system
- A modified version of the 2 Hour Wargames reaction system.
- A modified version of the mass combat system from Birthright, an old AD&D campaign system.
Thursday, 19 March 2020
New game plans...
Floating out an idea, to allow us to play games, and yet keep us seperated!
I am, once I have shaken off some of the impact of today's event (see Rants & Ramblings blog for details) planning to try a campaign game, maybe Mighty Empires or some other game. The idea would be to run a Play by Email (PBEM) game, with me as the GM, or even as a player.
The rules are readily available and given that we will not get together to play out battles the entire thing could just be played with any forces as we will not be limited by our miniature collections.
Certainly other games could be used, and other styles of play could be attempted, we will have to see what we all want to do.
More later, oh and for the time being, I do not plan to host any in person games...
I am, once I have shaken off some of the impact of today's event (see Rants & Ramblings blog for details) planning to try a campaign game, maybe Mighty Empires or some other game. The idea would be to run a Play by Email (PBEM) game, with me as the GM, or even as a player.
The rules are readily available and given that we will not get together to play out battles the entire thing could just be played with any forces as we will not be limited by our miniature collections.
Certainly other games could be used, and other styles of play could be attempted, we will have to see what we all want to do.
More later, oh and for the time being, I do not plan to host any in person games...
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Next game day, March 28th maybe...stay tuned for updates
Sorry for having to reschedule...illness and all.
Looking forward to digging out my old Warhammer figs for a game or two on March 28th.
May well play a full WH game (3rd or 6th) or may do a warband game.
Also looking at testing out another Pulp/Western skirmish game, or even Dragon Rampant.
FYI, new AAR posted for our first All Quiet on the Martian Front game has now been posted on the Rants and Ramblings... blog!
Sorry for having to reschedule...illness and all.
Looking forward to digging out my old Warhammer figs for a game or two on March 28th.
May well play a full WH game (3rd or 6th) or may do a warband game.
Also looking at testing out another Pulp/Western skirmish game, or even Dragon Rampant.
FYI, new AAR posted for our first All Quiet on the Martian Front game has now been posted on the Rants and Ramblings... blog!
Sunday, 16 February 2020
Picture from our latest game, AAR to follow (pic courtesy of The Ronin)
![]() |
If it's not ants it's something else that will ruin a picnic! |
Our second test run of AQMF, and another victory for the humans (boo, hiss)
On the plus side a lot of humans were captured or vaporized, but more managed to escape.
So 10 of the 24 deployed, newly painted civilians were removed from the game 1/2 way through the first turn, thankfully the human player let the rest of them stay on the table a bit longer, makes the effort of painting them not feel so wasted.
Next game day tentatively set for February 29th. Games to be played to be determined...
Sunday, 2 February 2020
February 1st game day
Thank you to all who attended!
We had two sessions on Saturday. In the afternoon the 2-6pm group tested out
All Quiet on the Martian Front.
The evening 7 until whenever session saw us playing one of my favorite games
Both games went well, and offered up a lot of fun and some challenges for the members who played.
The jury is still out on AQMF, but we all liked the dynamics of Eclipse.
I will be posting an AAR for the AQMF game on my "Menelduir' blog.
Next game day is most likely to be Saturday February 15th. While the games to be played have not yet been selected, I am hoping that one of them will be Fist Full of Lead!
A proper invite will be sent this week.
Monday, 20 January 2020
Some games that Menelduir is prepping
All quiet on the Martian Front |
Super Mission Force, also Fist Full of Lead |
A sneek peak at 2/3 gaming tables set up and ready for some action.
Oddly three test games!
All Quiet on the Martian Front is a basic wargame, us vs the Martians. I have had the game for some time, long over due to test it out.
Since the other two games re skirmish games, I have used one set up to try out two different game rules.
Super Mission Force is a fast play super hero game. I get to use all the re-based Hero Clix figures, and some Old Glory figures that I have. It is a make your own hero game, not pre-generated characters.
Fist Full of Lead, is a quick, easy play set of rules, that have supplements that cover a lot of genres. This game will be a pulp games, but I could have set up for Sci-fi, Zombies, or Wild West, it was just more expedient to use one table for two games.
I should also mention that one does not need to have miniatures to play in these games, as some of the members have enough spare to go around. For instance, not that likely that too many people have a lot of AQMF stuff, but I do have enough to share.
Friday, 17 January 2020
What do we do here?
A casual visitor may be forgiven, if they wonder what this group does. Rest assured we have played many games over the last few years, and we continue to play games. The issue is that we do not post on this site nearly enough. The challenge is that both Menelduir and the Western Keep, run their own blogs, and tend to keep their respective sites up to date. Sadly, this site tends to be forgotten.
The plan was to use this site to communicate with our members, to provide a forum for our members, to show off our group games, and to inspire others to join us. Well, admittedly, that last part is kind of difficult when updates occur only a few times a year. I mean, who would seek us out when we show no sign of life.
But alive we are! Check out the activities on The Western Keep blog or Menelduir's site. Ronin has recently been added, so not much posted yet, but stay tuned. We are actively looking for new players!
We play a wide variety of games, both miniature table top and board games, I am certain we play something that you would find interesting. There is a contact link on the right side of this page, or feel free to comment on any of the games that we have highlighted in our individual posts.
Cangames is only a few months away (hurry up spring!). The League will be there, walk up to us strike up a conversation, we won't bite.
The plan was to use this site to communicate with our members, to provide a forum for our members, to show off our group games, and to inspire others to join us. Well, admittedly, that last part is kind of difficult when updates occur only a few times a year. I mean, who would seek us out when we show no sign of life.
But alive we are! Check out the activities on The Western Keep blog or Menelduir's site. Ronin has recently been added, so not much posted yet, but stay tuned. We are actively looking for new players!
We play a wide variety of games, both miniature table top and board games, I am certain we play something that you would find interesting. There is a contact link on the right side of this page, or feel free to comment on any of the games that we have highlighted in our individual posts.
Cangames is only a few months away (hurry up spring!). The League will be there, walk up to us strike up a conversation, we won't bite.
Wednesday, 8 January 2020
Another year starts which means another reminder about fees!
Hello all
Just a reminder that it is time to renew your membership, see me at the next gameday to get your new card (and pay your dues)
Thank you
Just a reminder that it is time to renew your membership, see me at the next gameday to get your new card (and pay your dues)
Thank you
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