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bind them.

Follow the links below to our members Blogs to see what activities they are up to, both for the club and for their own interests.

Sunday 29 September 2024

The leagues of our current campaign Pulp Alley Vice Alley II


So this campaign has been going on long enough that it is  past time that I should be posting up the leagues sheets. Now, most of the leagues maintain a steady roster, but a couple of them do swap characters depending on the scenario and or how the leagues has performed in actual play. That said this post represents the leagues as they have most recently been played. They also reflect the experience advances and reputation and society 'perks' that some leagues have acquired.

We have had 14 games played over 6 sessions. The most games any one player has played is 6, the average is 4 games. We have had the odd blow out, but for the most part the games have been very close.

Anyways without any further ado here are the leagues!

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Sunday 18 August 2024

Vice Alley II updated picture of the main gaming table


So, these are the most up to date pics of the main table. In the foreground is the newly installed park. So far it is just roughed in. It replaces a cathedral and offers up more options. I will need to add a fence or hedges to surround the park, possibly a path through the park and sidewalks where needed. This will provide an open area in contrast to the dense urban environment of the city proper.


Monday 12 August 2024

Vice Alley II first game Newspaper


Well the first game of the new campaign made the headlines! 

Saturday 10 August 2024

Pulp Alley - Vice Alley II The start of the campaign August 11 2024


On the eve of the first game of the new campaign, I thought I would post up some pics of the two gaming areas. There are two areas ready to go, the dockyards (above) and merchants row (below)

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Pulp Alley Vice Alley II


At the top of the picture is the hobo camp on the other side of the tracks

So, I have the layout for the dockyards and warehouse district pretty much figured out. There is still a lot of work to be done to finish off these building,  but a lot has already been done.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Getting ready for the next Pulp Alley Campaign - VICE ALLEY


Hi everyone

So, as promised there will be a new Pulp Alley campaign, a Chicago cops and robbers style game starting in August. I have been working on the table throughout July. Currently there are around 42 buildings on the table, the plan is to mark out 3' x 3' actions as needed to play any given scenario. The pictures included are just a rough draft as it has already been changed since these pictures were taken. I plan to add a dock yard on another table.

Players do need to decide at the start of the campaign which faction they are working for the syndicate or law and order. It will impact what scenarios you can select and may even impact who is an enemy to each other.

  1. Like the previous campaign everyone will get a free random associate at the start of the campaign.
  2. If you select an associate during your league build you may select that associate as per the rules on page 27-28.
  3. Weapon kits may be selected as per page 115 of the rule book. One free choice per character
  4. During the game you will be restricted to level 1 backups. As your Influence/Reputation grows you will be able to select higher level backups. If anyone selects the perk call to arms then backups selected with those points are not restricted.
  5. There may be special events that will impact on L & O/Syndicate leagues depending on the success of the respective sides.
  6. Throughout the campaign you will have a chance to control specific locations (pool hall, racetrack etc) these locations will grant you a chance to gain some benefit.
  7. There are some scenarios that can only be selected by a specific faction and only if that faction has a high enough Influence/Reputation score.
  8. There are a lot of scenarios that are two player scenarios that can almost operate like a challenge. One player can select a scenario and challenge an opponent.
  9. In some cases, in any given scenario, leagues of the same faction may not be enemies while in other scenarios they are. Even L&O leagues can mix it up, jurisdictional issues and all that.
  10. There may be scenarios, or as a result of Reputation/Influence level that will see you gain vehicles for a scenario, or even longer.
  11. I am thinking this campaign will not run as long as the last one, but the actual number of games is not predetermined.
As always I have extra figures and extra leagues that can be selected should anyone run low on time to build a league and figs of their own.
So far one player has already submitted their league to me. Once completed please forward your league to me. If you have pictures of figures please include them.
If you have a chance could you maybe indicate if there are times that work better than others to game, and/or specific dates that are no good.

If you have any questions or suggestions about what you want to see in the campaign please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you