One blog to rule them all, One blog to find them,
One blog to bring them all, and on the internet
bind them.

Follow the links below to our members Blogs to see what activities they are up to, both for the club and for their own interests.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Vice Alley II Final results are in...

After more than 26 games the campaign has ground to a halt! 

Well that makes it sound worse than it really was, but I do think the campaign pretty much ran it's course. We tried a few new scenarios and played many scenarios from some of the other published campaigns and for the most part they seemed to blend in with the Vice Alley theme. We started with 7 players and picked up one along the way also one of the players switched their league (12th & 50th Precinct) 

There were certainly more L&O leagues than Syndicate leagues but at the start it was only 4 L&O to 3 Syndicates. The new player joined as a L&O side while the 50th replaced the 12th which skews the numbers somewhat

In the end I would have to say the Law & Order now exerts the most influence over the city! 

See below for the final numbers...

Sunday, 29 September 2024

The leagues of our current campaign Pulp Alley Vice Alley II


So this campaign has been going on long enough that it is  past time that I should be posting up the leagues sheets. Now, most of the leagues maintain a steady roster, but a couple of them do swap characters depending on the scenario and or how the leagues has performed in actual play. That said this post represents the leagues as they have most recently been played. They also reflect the experience advances and reputation and society 'perks' that some leagues have acquired.

We have had 14 games played over 6 sessions. The most games any one player has played is 6, the average is 4 games. We have had the odd blow out, but for the most part the games have been very close.

Anyways without any further ado here are the leagues!

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Sunday, 18 August 2024

Vice Alley II updated picture of the main gaming table


So, these are the most up to date pics of the main table. In the foreground is the newly installed park. So far it is just roughed in. It replaces a cathedral and offers up more options. I will need to add a fence or hedges to surround the park, possibly a path through the park and sidewalks where needed. This will provide an open area in contrast to the dense urban environment of the city proper.


Monday, 12 August 2024

Vice Alley II first game Newspaper


Well the first game of the new campaign made the headlines! 

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Pulp Alley - Vice Alley II The start of the campaign August 11 2024


On the eve of the first game of the new campaign, I thought I would post up some pics of the two gaming areas. There are two areas ready to go, the dockyards (above) and merchants row (below)

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Pulp Alley Vice Alley II


At the top of the picture is the hobo camp on the other side of the tracks

So, I have the layout for the dockyards and warehouse district pretty much figured out. There is still a lot of work to be done to finish off these building,  but a lot has already been done.