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Wednesday 8 June 2022

Well that worked out fine!



Thank you to those who were able to attend the gaming day this past Sunday, it was great to see and talk to you again. I have a possible game date for the next game day(s), Saturday and or Sunday June 25th and June 26th.

Either or both days will work for me so it is party time er gaming time!
I am currently prepping up the forces for Fantastic Battles and will be able to prep other stuff should we want to try and squeeze in another game of something. If that is a possibility please let me know what you might like to play. 
That could include a board game if so desired.
As for this past weekend I think we all had fun revisiting Warhammer. Sure we were all a little rusty, and had a tough time remembering which rule came from which edition, but on the whole I think we made very few mistakes. I think the stated out unit cards helped facilitate  the game play. Next time I will work on the scenario a bit more to tighten up the battlefield.
Pictures and a report to follow soon.


  1. Thanks here, too! Yes, the cards helped and were a good idea.

  2. P.S.: Are you going to discuss the new woods in your painting & building blog? Are they based on cardboard?
