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Tuesday 28 June 2022

Pulp Alley of the Apes


Maybe for our next game? This was the board I made for the Analogue Painting Challenge. I am thinking maybe a quick one off Planet of the Apes game? I can certainly create some leagues, or those that want to can do the same, and we can have at it, maybe a four player game.

I still have room for another Fantastic Battles game and can certainly clear off the secondary table for some other game.

The big question will be when. So when can people get together again?

In the meantime some more teaser pictures.


  1. Pulp Alley Planet of the Apes sounds good! I may want to try devising a league - do you have orangutan and chimp figures?

    Fantastic Batles would be fine, too

    Not yet sure about when

  2. The ruined elevated road is a cool terrain piece, but how could one get up there without flying? Of course, most such transportation infrastructure is not designed to be accessible by local pedestrians, lol

    1. I have vines that will be added to the buildings and the elevated highway
