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Tuesday 29 March 2022

I miss the AHPC challenge, anyone want to try a challenge?

I am adrift, lost in a sea of apathy. After having gone crazy for the last 3 months painting and building as much as I could for The Analogue Hobby Painting Challenge I suddenly find a void in my life. Without a goal to strive for I find it hard to get motivated. It may be that I just needed to take a break, certainly I needed to put the gaming room back in order (which I have done) but now I need a new mission.

So maybe a mini challenge, or maybe just a plan for a game, something, anything that will motivate me to paint. Ideally setting a date for a game, and of course deciding what game to play would propel me into action. Something with weekly targets would be ideal.

So, do we think a game is possible? Do we dare to breathe the same air again? Are we prepared for all the mistakes and confusion that will occur when we actually try to remember/learn the rules? 

I say it is time to find out! (soon)


  1. Unfortunately, just as the 6th wave of the pandemic is upon us...

  2. My motivation to paint for the last few months has been for Fantastic Battles in 28mm, which I have also been playing with a friend. I would be interested in playing a game of it. Easy enough to put 28mm WFB figures on 6cm square movement trays which I have done for the Undead, High Elves and Wood Elves in 28mm plus Romans and Gauls in 15mm. As pointed out the 6th Covid-19 wave is a concern but it looks like it should end soon.

    1. How much more fantasy do you need to paint? I figure you have lots of that already done! :)
      I too have many 60mm by 60mm bases ready to use though 50mm would make more sense as cavalry, chariots, Chaos and Orcs are already set for 50mm by 50mm.

  3. There are a few of my units that needed to be expanded especially for the Wood Elves and Dwarf armies so more figures to paint (isn't there always?), but the main task has been creating 6cm square sabot bases with metal tops and magnetizing figures. Depending what works best for you 5 cm or 6 cm square bases would both work but you need to pick one and standardize on it, as movement is in BW. (I also have 6cm BW rulers). Having a few companies longer than the chosen BW in not a big deal, but not having a standard BW can be a problem. I have chosen to standardize on 6cm, you can always temporarily attach 5cm square bases on thin 6cm sabot bases. The advantage of 6cm square bases is it is the standard and more compatible if gaming with other players.
