One blog to rule them all, One blog to find them,
One blog to bring them all, and on the internet
bind them.

Follow the links below to our members Blogs to see what activities they are up to, both for the club and for their own interests.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Is the China Station scenario with the boat next or one or two games away?   How is the work on the Junk / Asian boat progressing?   If you need a period type ship to use I have the SS Thor model assembled.  It is a  small motor ship or cargo lighter and is typical of many such workhorses of the sea which ply the inter-coastal trade:

Link at


 One option would be to have 2 or 3 boats (possibly Thor and a Junk) tied up alongside to create more space for figures as below:

The same company (Tin Soldier) makes this Junk:

Sunday 3 September 2023

Leagues of the China Station Campaign part 3

This is the third and possible last posting of the leagues that are partaking in the campaign.

Up first is a classic from the character book, Buzz Barkers Island Hoppers. This week will be the first time this league gets to participate in the campaign.


Friday 1 September 2023

Leagues of the China Station campaign part 2

More of the leagues, including the infamous card league.

First up a league built by one of the rookies to pulp alley. A very good shooting league!


Thursday 31 August 2023

Leagues of the China Station campaign

So, part one of the leagues of the campaign, spotlighting the various leagues that are appearing in our China Station campaign. Today we will look at three leagues: The Black Lotus, Royal Navy Shore Party and the mystery league...

First up is the Black Lotus league. there is nothing much special about this league, pretty much a cut and paste from the character book except that the Dominion per was selected and the gang has an extreme focus on brawling pretty much at the expense of anything else. They can pack quite the punch, if they are able to close with the enemy!


Sunday 27 August 2023

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Next game day to be Sunday August 27th

Looks like we will have another good turn out with maybe 6 players, 7 if it rains that day...

There will be at least 3 game boards set up, two scenarios that are part of the campaign and one 'classic' scenario to round out the games. Anything gained in this classic scenario will of course count towards the campaign. 

I know a number of players have been assessing their leagues seeing how they can tweak them for the campaign, I do look forward to seeing these updated leagues in action.

Tuesday 15 August 2023

New Pulp Alley gang idea, the thoughtful gang

 A couple of us have been thinking about a different type of gang. I am not the originator of this idea, but these are some of my thoughts on the matter. 

To start with I listed all the existing abilities that gangs might normally have. Then on the right I listed what I thought could stay and what abilities could be added to reflect a more thoughtful less violent gang.

Click below to see the chart.

Tuesday 8 August 2023

Pulp Alley China Station campaign update 2


Scenario 2 BREAKOUT


Scenario 4 BIG TROUBLE

The latest update to the campaign, after 4 scenarios/8 played games.

Scenario 4 will remain set up for those who have yet to play it and I shall start work on setting up the next two scenarios.

Starting with scenario 5 leagues will be able to use any resources that they acquire.

Monday 31 July 2023

Pulp Alley China Station Campaign standings

So, after 2 scenarios, 5 played games involving 6 of the 7 players I have the first chart showing the current standings in the campaign. The main takeaway for this is the reputation numbers and earned experience as resources are not tracked for the first 4 games.  

The investigation phase, as laid out in the campaign book has been revised, we will not be making investigation rolls. The reason behind this change is that a couple of us reviewed the investigation structure and we deemed it as not very workable. We would rather see players having a chance to accumulate resources so, as of scenario 5, players will be able to use any resources that they acquire during a scenario for the normal purchasing of tips, contacts etc in subsequent scenarios.  

Tuesday 25 July 2023

July 22nd Pulp Alley China Station campaign begins


1st scenario Enemy Patrol

Second scenario Breakout!

So, the campaign has started. Six players played five game on Saturday, with the first game starting around 10:30 and the last game ending around 9pm!

Sunday 16 July 2023

July 15th game All Quiet on the Martian Front


 So, a brief diversion before the start of the new Pulp Alley game, a few of us got together to play AQMF.  It has been quite some time since this game has been on the table so a crash course on the rules was in order. I know I made some mistakes but for the most part I think it ran pretty well. The armies were approximately 1860 points each with the Martians the attackers while the humans occupied some ruins on the edge of town. The scenario was 'The Outskirts' from the rule book. The Americans deployed many of their troops as hidden (being represented by blips markers) and also deployed one ambush party. 

Monday 10 July 2023

July 2nd gameday


Initial setup for the primary game and a test of some of the buildings that may show up during the campaign. A few things clearly need to be worked on. The gate is almost painted (the detail work is a killer) and all of the other buildings require some touch ups. The green and red/brown building was newly painted for this game but I did not have time to weather it, so that needs to be done. 

The centerpiece of this game was the market square where the leagues encountered a dangerous maze of market stalls. The X indicates a perilous area, while figures with coloured disks under them are bystanders that if befriended will aid what ever team they are with in navigating any perils in the market.

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Saturday June 24th another Pulp Alley game on the schedule!


So, 1pm arrival time. It looks like we might have anywhere from 3 to 5 players attending. It will be another refresher/intro game session prior to the start of the campaign. If time allows we can do a group session of league building after the game. I have 8 pre-generated leagues that can be used and the figures to go with them, but feel free to bring your own figures and leagues if you have them. For those that have played before, this is a good chance to test out league builds that you have not tried before.

So see everyone this Saturday!

Sunday 18 June 2023

Pulp Alley China Station campaign introduction

So a brief intro to our upcoming campaign. Hopefully we can get this started in July. I plan to have at least one more introduction/refresher game for those that can attend and/or feel they need a refresher. 

Leagues can be anything you want but it is recommended that you try to build them to go with the China Station theme. There will be a league reward for teams that fit into the overall feel of the campaign. 

As of today we have 4 players with the possibility of 1 or 2 more. There are 12 official scenarios in the campaign, but more my be added should the need arise. The scenarios typically are set up for a maximum of 4 players (some scenarios only involve 2) I will try to schedule games so that we can have as many attend any given gameday as possible, even if that means running two separate tables. Missing any given session should not impact that badly on any leagues success in the campaign.

I will send out emails to the participants (once we have determined who will be playing) to get an idea of availability so as to try and schedule game days. Even if you think you cannot attend all game days do not worry, show up when you can and have fun playing the game!