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Tuesday 9 July 2024

Pulp Alley China Station campaign final standings [updated 07-23-2024]


So, the winner of the campaign can now be revealed, not that it really matters who won as aren't we all winners after all, but not really there was only one, but I think in a greater sense everyone can take a share of it, but maybe...😕😧 oh never mind.

There were three leagues that made it beyond 15 reputation points, the top league was,,,

Second place was:

 and finally in third place we find:

It is interesting , perhaps, to note, that the top two leagues had a very low figure count and were not what we refer to as shooting leagues. Certainly the DUO league had it's challenges, as having only two figures can be a challenge when plot points are well spread out. 

There were some scenarios in the campaign that we did not play and some that we wished we had not played. There were some issues with how certain scenarios worked. In particular anytime a scenario has red herrings it can be problematic. 

It took about a year to play out the campaign, which is a long time to run any campaign. Yes there were only 12 scenarios, and we did not play 2 of them but other matters got in the way of our gaming days. (lost 2-3 months through illnesses and holidays alone) Extra scenarios were added to flesh out the campaign, in part to make up for the not so good scenarios and in part just to give everyone more chance to play.

Overall I think the players had fun (well they kept coming back) and I am now prepping for the next campaign.


  1. Thanks for running the campaign it was indeed fun. Really should add in the updated version of the RN League in white uniforms.

    1. Send me the image and I will happily update.

    2. I have sent it to you by FB Messenger.
