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Monday 8 July 2024

Pulp Alley China Station campaign has ended!

The lost cause

We had our final game day of the China Station campaign. We added two extra scenarios, not in the campaign book, and finished off with chapter 12 of the actual campaign. In preparation for what was to be a marathon session, I set up three separate tables.The day started for me at 11;30 and ran to midnight, a total of 6 games were played. Three players arrived for the 11:30 start then two more around two, and the last two around 6pm. The early crowd left around 5pm, but there was an overlap that saw a couple of games being played at the same time. Everyone played at least two games and everyone played in the last chapter, one game with three players, the other with 4 players.

The extra scenarios were added to pad out the campaign a bit, to go out with a bang. We had already played most of the actual China Station scenarios, but skipped the two two player scenarios, and were not interested in replaying any of the others. So the lost cause and The four faces of Dr Fang were selected from the scenario book.

The four faces of Dr Fang

The trade war

So this concludes the year long campaign. We had some interruptions along the way that caused this campaign to take so long to finish. We also had some challenges with some of the scenarios, some of them were just not that good. But I did like the idea of scenario cards that are dealt out at the start of the turn, they were a nice touch. None of us liked the scenarios that included red herrings, they were frustrating and made the games drag on and irritated the players (and the GM)

Overall I think it went well. We had four new players to Pulp Alley and they seemed to enjoy the system. 

Our next campaign will start sometime in August and it will be VICE ALLEY 2

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