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Tuesday 12 April 2022

Proposed game day

I wish to game soon. Soon in this case may well be May.

I can set up a game in the basement, outside on the deck or even in the garage, whatever appeals to you, the players. What game does not matter so much as playing a game. Pulp Alley, Silver Bayonet, some other miniature game that you want to play, I just want to play.

So let me know how you feel about this.
There is a holiday in May so, worst case scenario, we could play on that day, maybe we can get together sooner.
If need be I will play a solo game real soon, but as strange as it may sound (for me), I would prefer to play with other people. Oh, and yes I mean play, I will not just ref as usual (although reffing may still happen) I would like to actually participate as a player.
Please let me know who might be interested.
Thank you


  1. I have been playing Fantasy Battles a lot recently so would be interested in playing a game of it and can host.

    1. Noted.
      Others have expressed interest in Pulp Alley as an entry back into gaming and easily set up outside should Covid force a change of venue. The plan for that is sometime during the May long weekend, actual day still a matter of discussion.

  2. Thanks, but OMG is running a games convention on the Victoria Day long weekend as a substitute for Cangames. I will likely go on at least one day, not sure which one yet.

    1. Unfortunately the long weekend in May won't work for me, booked on all 3 days, Monday is OMG.
