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Friday 7 October 2022

Next game day?

 So, what and when is it to be?


Shall we return to Fantastic Battles, maybe WW2 such as Rapid Fire/Battle group/O Group?

What about Pulp Alley again, or maybe some other miniature game of even a board game?

Also, are Sundays still the best day or should we include Saturdays into the mix?

Comments welcome and needed.

Thank you


  1. Any of those choices would be fine, along with What a Tanker.

    Saturdays should soon become feasible for me, as outdoor soccer wanes.

    I would have to get a furnace installed first, though

  2. I am sure there is no rush on the furnace, maybe winter will by pass us this year.

  3. 江北武士浪人1 November 2022 at 21:55

    What? It's advising me to comment with my Google Account (sic)

  4. Has some Blogger policy been changed?

  5. Same thing happens to me when I comment on other blogs, but does not on my own blogs. Blogger is always changing things, rarely for the better.

  6. More importantly, when are we gaming again? Saturday or Sunday are generally available or even a stat holiday!
