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Thursday 26 May 2022

Should have included a tick box for power!

 So next time we will see if we can avoid any power draining storms around game day.

The storm that knocked out power on Saturday the 21st kept me in the dark for 3 hours short of five days! All was peaceful around my neighborhood for Saturday and Sunday daytime, but then the generators arrived. Two of my neighbors had each had loud generators, it was almost as if they were dueling with each other!. One was nice enough to offer hook ups to his neighbors, and was kind enough to not run the teeth grating device from hell for long periods, being content to keep his freezer and fridge cold but not needing to power everything in the house. The other neighbor ran his for 18 hours at a time turning it off sometime in the middle of the night. During the day the two devices created a cacophony of noise that drowned out conversation and even at time the ability to form thoughts. So, gaming outside in such conditions was not an option and gaming by candlelight was just too romantic a notion, and too much of a strain on the eyes.

So, lets try this again when ac we get together and game?

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