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Saturday 28 March 2020

these are your empires, at the start of the game. U/d mar 30th

So, as the title says these are the starting empires.

I have posted this as a higher resolution image, let me know if that causes any issues.
I have added a key to the symbols on the map. I have selected different shapes to represent cities, villages etc.
Control markers use different shapes and or different graphics inside the shape.
Control markers are placed on barren hexes and indicate control.
The bridge symbol is for any new bridges that get built.

I selected names for each ampire. Feel free to submit a new name.
I do not think that future maps will not have the empire name on them....

Are people needing any help with the rules?
When shall we start this? I was going to say we want to get going early, but sadly the current real world situation shows no sign of ending soon.

Take care everyone!

1 comment:

  1. It looks good. Note that the map image must be pressed for it to expand with enough resolution on a cellphone.
