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Saturday 21 March 2020

Delays in getting this going, but this too shall pass...ouch

Sorry for the tease about a campaign, my recent bout of health issues have slowed me down a bit.
I thought I was done with passing, but based on today's events I may not be out of the woods yet, and I really do not know why. At any rate hopefully I will have a better understanding after a doctors appointment on Monday.

On to the game.
I now have two ideas for a campaign, the original fantasy campaign, vs or also, a space campaign.
The space campaign might be easier to run, but it would certainly be a very combat oriented campaign.

For the fantasy game, I will set up a Mighty Empire game. I would use the original booklet that came with the game, and any and all White Dwarf supplements that I have, which should be all of them.
I can supply a copy of these rules to those who do not have the rules.

Armies will be based on the old 3rd ed Warhammer Fantasy Battle system. Again, I can supply a copy to those who require a copy.

Battles will be resolved with a somewhat abstract resolution system.
I have three choices:
  1. The system presented in Mighty Empires, modified somewhat by an old C&S strategic system
  2. A modified version of the 2 Hour Wargames reaction system.
  3. A modified version of the mass combat system from Birthright, an old AD&D campaign system.
Each resolution system is more complex than the preceding system adding more player interaction with the battle which may or my not be wanted.

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