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Monday 10 July 2023

July 2nd gameday


Initial setup for the primary game and a test of some of the buildings that may show up during the campaign. A few things clearly need to be worked on. The gate is almost painted (the detail work is a killer) and all of the other buildings require some touch ups. The green and red/brown building was newly painted for this game but I did not have time to weather it, so that needs to be done. 

The centerpiece of this game was the market square where the leagues encountered a dangerous maze of market stalls. The X indicates a perilous area, while figures with coloured disks under them are bystanders that if befriended will aid what ever team they are with in navigating any perils in the market.


The game was hard fought between four leagues with the winner being our newest player whose league managed to be the only league to hold onto a plot point at the end of the game. 

The second game was set on a jungle board complete with a rope bridge crossing a treacherous river. As can be seen crocodiles and hippos populate the river to remind us of the perilous nature of the river. The apes began the game in the skull temple and would move from there to a plot point if the reward card turned out to be a trap. Otherwise they remained at the temple as guards.

It too was a close game, but this time many, if not all, of the plot points were captured. In the end a duo league beat out a much larger league.


  1. Thanks for the AAR and pictures. If you need more of the the second game I can send you some.
