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Tuesday 18 October 2016

Event: Pulp Alley

Confirmed: October 29th, Western Keep, 1:30 pm, Pulp Alley Halloween theme.


  1. So far looks like we have 7 players, waiting to hear from one more person aka Tesla.

  2. Now looks like 8 players. Potential Leagues:
    Wicked Witch of the West, Witch of East, Flying Monkey robot
    Vampire: Dracula / Giant Bat, Succubus, szgany rifle (mounted)
    Elsie the Witch, Jumping Jack Flash + Pumpkin familiar
    Dark Elf Sorceress, mounted Lord, Gang of Witch Elves
    Dr. Frankenstein, Monster, and Bride
    Tomb Lord, High Priest, Mummy champion of Neskofar
    Vampire / Witch Hunter (Knight Cleric, Fryer Tuc & Brother Cadfile)
    Undead Pirate, Captain, Vampire, crew gang or 1st Mate)
    Liche King mounted, Wight, Skeleton gang.
