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Tuesday 18 October 2016

Planned event for November 26th: Battlefleet Gothic and Pulp Alley games

Proposed: November 26th, Southern Keep, 2 pm, Battlefleet Gothic & Pulp Alley games on the menu.


  1. I'd like to participate, subject to the usual domestic risks...

  2. I should be able to make it. What is the theme of the PA game?

  3. There are two PA games set up, one is VSF meets PA, the other game is a advanced screening of Vice Alley. It is an urban setting, and I have created four teams to play with.

    BFG has a couple of possible scenarios and I have drafted up three fleets per nation, 500, 750 and 1200 point fleets.(give or take 5-15 points)
