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Tuesday 13 June 2023

Gameday Pulp Alley

This past game day saw us return to Pulp Alley this time 2nd edition. We also had a new player to the group! The game ran smoothly with only some minor errors and was a great refresher and learning experience. Full AAR can be found HERE.



  1. Looks like it was a good game, do you prefer the new version II PA rules? How many players do you think they could accommodate?

    1. Well we played a 3 player game with two who had some memory gaps and one who was new to the game and yet we were able to finish all 6 turns in 2 hours and 20 minutes.

  2. Not having to wait while each player checks their hand of cards to see if they have a challenge to play vs another player (1st ed rule about perils) does speed the game up.
