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Wednesday 28 December 2022

Sample map [WIP]

 So, not mighty empires, more inspired by Fantastic Battles.

So very much a work in progress. It would be a point to point movement system. Each point could have a specific battlefield, or narrow type of battlefield. It would offer choices to players of where they might want to fight a battle. Possible option would be to allow players to try and open up new paths that currently do not exist. High degree of risk but payoff might be worth it.

So far it is just a rough draft, no real thought has gone into it yet, and I have not assessed how good or bad the routes available might be. Tentative capitals have red names, topographical location/places of interest have a different banner.

Anyways thoughts and ideas appreciated.


  1. 江北武士浪人29 December 2022 at 16:40

    That's an impressive map thus far! Since the file is so large that it takes forever to load, I can only comment on an un-zoomed view of it. Are there enough forests, marshes, hills, and mountains (hence mountain passes)? Some settlements are located at river headwaters - are there unmapped streams above them? An island or two might be fun.
