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Monday 28 November 2022

Campaign time?


So given that we have not managed to get together to play a one off game why don't we try to get a campaign going!?!

Yeah, I know,  it sounds kind of crazy.😵

Any thoughts on this? I propose that we start playing in the new year, but that we start planning now!

I am open to suggestions on what to play. Some possible choices:

  • Pulp Alley create a new campaign 
  • Pulp Alley replay one we have played before
  • Pulp Alley a mash up of previous campaigns to create a new one
  • Pulp Alley, as above, but add in scenarios from the scenario book 
  • Fantastic Battles using their system
  • Fantastic Battles using modified Mighty Empires or some other system
  • Pyrrhic war (Little Wars TV)  style campaign but with fantasy armies
  • Battle fleet Gothic
  • Warhammer using modified Mighty Empires
  • Warhammer campaign using a mini campaign like Circle of blood
  • Back of Beyond (I would need to paint stuff but the motivation would be good)
  • Oathmark campaign either with their rules or Warhammer/Fantastic Battles
  • Congo
  • Chaos in Carpathia 
  • Super hero
  • Silver Bayonets (working on those figures)
  • Or something else that you think would work for the group.

Best that it be simple rules that more than one of us has played (or that are so simple it would not be a challenge to introduce them) Based on attendance history it would be better if the campaign can be played even when some players cannot attend. I would prefer that we do not have the campaign grind to a halt due to the absence of one or two players. Pulp Alley worked well in that who ever showed up played and were not hampered by any absence players. 

I do not think we will see much game playing in December, but would be happy to be proven wrong. 


  1. 江北武士浪人29 November 2022 at 00:02

    Lots of choices, almost too many! And there could also be Warhammer Path to Glory or Mordheim campaigns. For a non-skirmish military campaign, we could play the strategic level online, but meet up for tabletop battles.

  2. I confess I forgot about Path to Glory, even though you had mentioned it recently. The key will be flexibility, not dependent on all players showing up at the same time. Given our time constraints, speed of play of whichever game we play is also important.

  3. I would be interested in a Fantastic Battles campaign using their rules or the Mighty Empires campaign system.

  4. 江北武士浪人10 December 2022 at 13:01

    I'm already in two online campaigns, which I've been enjoying, despite the glacially slow pace of one of them (one campaign season turn per real life season?). A more local campaign, with a chance to meet up for battles, would be fun, whatever the system.

  5. Saturday and Friday evenings are generally best for me, plus I can host some of the Fantastic Battles or SAGA games.

  6. 江北武士浪人28 December 2022 at 09:16

    "Warhammer using modified Mighty Empires": This might bring people into the "one blog," if done using (say) WHFB 6th

  7. I think FB would work just fine for a campaign, especially as most of the group have played it recently.
