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Monday 11 July 2022

July 10th gameday and plans for the 17th

So three of us got together on the weekend to play a couple of game. It wa a truncated game day tarting at around 1:30 an extending into the early evening. 


First up we tested out The Walking Dead game by Mantic. Technically the game i to be played either solo or head to head, 1 v 1. Today was jut a run through to see how the game functioned, not so much a test of the proper way to play the game, more of an extension of the tutorial contained in the quick start guide. 

We started with two players and as our third member arrived we split up the forces so that we each controlled 1 character. The mechanics of the rules were fairly straightforward and despite our disregard for the proper turn sequence the game gave us a feel for the game. I plan to try and run the solitaire small forces version and will repot on it on the Rants & Ramblings blog.

Our second game was a boardgame, Conquest of planet Earth. This is a game that two of us have played fairly often, but was new to one of the players. The game can be played competitively or cooperatively, we chose the latter.  Our three alien races were: Vyborian Arbiters, The Fome Guild Mages and the Trun. So these three alien races had to try and conquer circa 1950's Earth in 10 turns. Well the only race that had any real success was the Trun who were controlled by the player who had never played the game. He accounted for the majority of the fear points (victory points) and brought us closer to victory than the two veteran players have ever been. Alas as is typically our fate with this game the poor colonizing aliens were once again repelled by truth justice and the American way, in other words, the military industrial complex came through again!   

On Sunday July 17th we will hopefully get to try out another game of Fantastic Battles along with a Pulp Alley game, and maybe one other quick play miniature game TBD!

See you then!

1 comment:

  1. At least, the more experienced players played cards that kept the earthlings somewhat at bay
