Here is a picture of my six point SAGA Viking army on my game table shortly after it fought in the Ottawa Miniatures Gamers (OMG) annual tournament that was held on Sunday November 6, 2016. This years tournament was a SAGA rules tournament using six point Dark Age armies. How went the day? My Vikings were victorious in all three battles defeating Saxons, Danes and other pesky enemies to win the tournament.
The victorious Viking Army with their plunder.
I look forward to playing more games of SAGA with League members. As you can see the painting commitment is not that big as only around 33 to 41 appropriate 28mm figures are needed. Hearthguard are 4 figure groups, Warriors 8 figures and Levies (missile weapons) 12, the leader is just 1 figure. The Leader is free and each of the other groups is worth one point, games are typically 6 points per side, but sometimes small games with just 4 points per side are played. The rules are very innovative in that they use a dice board that dictates the actions the figures can take. There is also a fantasy variant army called Revenants I am curious to try out.
Vikings advancing on Normans |
Vikings advance towards the River
Vikings bowmen firing on Normans
Close up Viking Hearthguard |
Vikings versus Normans
Closer view of the Viking
Sometimes, members of the League may sally forth, indeed, sally forth to victory!