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Monday 21 November 2016

Doctor Who the Miniatures Game ( DWMG) webpage and Yahoo group shut down.

The  Doctor Who the Miniatures Game ( DWMG) webpage and Yahoo group have been closed.  I suspect the heavy hand of Warlord Games or the BBC.  This is very sad news as Graeme Dawson produced an excellent set of rules (DWMG) that will now be difficult to find (but not impossible, see link below for the facebook page).

Seems nothing is ever gone forever on the internet thanks to if you search

But don't expect any new official content, but their may be some scenarios produced by members of the Face book group.
More on the disappearance of the DWMG website:

 As for Warlord  the figures they are producing  for their game (that they are taking ages to release) are too large to fit in with any of the current 28mm Doctor Who range of figures.  Some of them look to be very nice sculpts but reviews state they are 33mm or more (pictures confirm they are larger than standard 28mm used by Black Tree / Harlequin and Heresy) and they are expensive.

New Warlord Doctor Who figures  about 33mm scale

This certainly leads one to suspect they are deliberately making the figures larger (out of scale) to compel players to buy their figures rather than mix in their older 28mm figures.   Warlord's response to the size issue is as follows:

"Our figures are that size for an entirely different reason – they are true scale representations of the subject matter rather than the big-headed, ham-fisted wargames standard figures we are all so used to. As a result, to make such fine miniatures cast well and retain some semblance of strength they need to be a little larger.
You are still free to buy rip-off 'not' Doctor Who figures if your conscience so allows..."

Can't say I am convinced you have to make figures 33mm to have properly proportioned figures. I also don't buy the conscience issue argument since about 99% of the Doctor Who figures in 28mm were sculpted before Warlord purchased the licence from the BBC.  Are they suggesting all the Harlequin / Black Tree figures that were made under licence at the time they were originally sculpted are now "rip-offs"?  GW once made Doctor Who figures.    Lots of companies make "not" type figures from diverse subjects including Star Trek, Casablanca, Captain Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes....."

I agree with this post about DWMG back in August 2015 and it looks like his prediction has come true:

"This [DWMG]  is a fan-made Doctor Who Miniatures Game that has been around for years. The creators of this game went on to create their own company, Crooked Dice, and tried to secure the license themselves. They were essentially priced out of the market years ago. Undeterred, they went on to adapt the rules into their own game, 7TV, which takes the DWMG rules and expands them to cover the whole range of cult TV shows.
 My point is that there are already some pretty solid rules for a Doctor Who Miniatures Game and my worry is that an official offering would force the publishers of the unofficial set to make their book unavailable. 7TV, with its more generic setting and themes, would be safe, so the rules would be largely preserved – second edition is due out soon – but the DWMG would potentially be in trouble."

See the full post at:

The latest on 28mm Doctor Who figures is that Crooked Dice, Heresy and other companies making Doctor Who like figures are being forced to pull them off their website stores.

No doubt Warlord is holding off on their Doctor Who  rules until they have sculpted and painted enough of their own figures so that they can have many colour pictures of them in the publication  to make it one of their  standard hardcover picture filled rule book selling for $50+


  1. if you have not already been made aware the dr who game was turned into 7tv by crooked dice. They obviously dropped the dr who aspect and made it more about old tv shows. but the gist of it is still there.

  2. Thank you for your comment and interest.
    Our resident Dr Who fanatic (Western Keep) still loves the original Dr Who game and will be hosting a game at our local convention this month. He has built up quite a collection, and has put on many games.

    As for me, I like the look of the 7TV game and have plans to test it out soon.

